St. Brendan's N.S.

Our School

The original school building was built in 1925, with an extension completed in 2011 and another in 2023. The latest extension consists of a mainstream classroom, SEN room and universally accessible wheelchair toilet. The school has a large grass and yard area and small playground which the pupils get great benefit and enjoyment from.

Mission Statement

Newmarket NS is a co-educational school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure learning environment where all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

We aim to provide a stimulating and broadly challenging education for all of our pupils. We endeavour to enhance their self-esteem and to instil in them respect for themselves and for others.

While we are a primary school with a Catholic ethos, we also give due recognition to children of all other religious beliefs and none.

Newmarket NS encourages the involvement of parents through home-school contacts and through the Parents Association.

Active School Flag

We achieved our first ever Active School Flag in 2021. Ms Carroll (Active School Flag Co-ordinator) and the Active School Committee members Ellie, Cian, Lily, Ella, Sophia and William thanked everyone for their participation and co-operation as it was a whole school and community effort. They reminded us of all the various challenges we completed such as Active Breaks, Run around Ireland, Active Home Week during our first lockdown and  European School Sports Day. Fifth and Sixth class pupils enjoyed their role as playground leaders organising yard games and the Dance Shed. They thanked the parents association for providing the new PE equipment. Our #ActiveSchool Walkway is an excellent resource for running and orienteering in PE. Now we have the first Active Flag, we must keep our slogan in mind and Jump, Run, Dance, Play: Get Active Every Day!

Our Locality

The village of Newmarket is in rural south Kilkenny, 3km from Exit 10 on the M9. There are many places of historical interest in the area. The wooded demesne of Castlemorris was formerly home to the Morres and De Montmorency families – the family vault can still be seen in the churchyard of the nearby Aghaviller church. The churchyard also contains the remains of an ancient round tower built to protect the occupants and valuables of monastic settlements from Viking raids. The wood now has 3 marked walking trails. Also in the area is a monument to those who lost their lives in the Battle of Carrickshock in 1831, a Land League house built in 1880, megalithic tombs, dolmens and Gairdín an Ghorta, a famine memorial garden and thatched cottage.